Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Is Grace Overwhelming?

OK, still another thought from Yancey's book on grace.
"God loves us because of who he is and because of who we are."
I'll probably be adding a few more of these quotes as I work through the book.

I'm finding out like Yancey did that it is difficult to come up with a brief, powerful, definition of grace. Unmerited favor is brief and even accurate definition but it doesn't come close to giving me the sense of the overpowering nature of grace.

And I wonder what a day or a week would look like if I purposefully lived and shared grace. It's funny I'm not sure how I would even start to go about doing that. How would my day change, my interactions with people, my prayers, etc. And then I wonder as a long time follower of Jesus am I subconsciously, at least in part, living in and through grace already? I like to think so. But I think I have a long way to go.

And if grace is as I believe, overwhelming if not overpowering, shouldn't I almost feel it cruising through my veins. But gratitude, forgiveness, generousity are not easy parts of my being.

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